一開始approach過網上好幾間,有間叫我有隻貓你預舊D殘D既屋都要即刻出offer架la,有間未聽完我講我既要求已經叫我最好加多200磅搵屋就易D lor,真心覺得間間都有自己一套standard唔係真心聽完expectation幫我。反而Mei喺第一次通話已經比到好多建議我,亦好直接叫我要選多2,3個location先會容易D,但佢搵到既盤比我睇時,真心覺得佢係記得晒我既要求呀,有D咩冇辦法entertain我要求既地方亦好有耐心解釋比我聽pros & cons。見到份約有好多不合理要求時(包括業主話要每6個禮拜上黎睇一次間屋)Mei幫我諗完後,結果幫我推翻左個offer。然後日子愈來愈迫近,我隻貓貓又已經排到BA機位,個人已經好stressful,點知Mei係最後關頭,又幫我搵到一間啱我既屋,仲剛好可以係到埗前幾日起租同幫我攞埋鎖匙。我覺得Hakka小本經營但真正用心去做,當日我係冇人介紹選擇用呢間agent真係好好彩🥰。 p.s. 20歲老爺爺MeMore表示已經適應左呢度喇。
Gaby Chan
It is my first time renting a property in the UK; I am glad that I found Hakka Properties to help me. I would like to express my special thanks to my sourcing agent Mei Wong as she has performed perfectly in every step including property selection, site visits, rental contract reviewing, and contacts with letting agents after repossession, leaving me at ease all the way through. She provided me with useful advice, and I have successfully rented my current apartment. I highly recommend Mei and her company to everyone who are looking for property rent or purchase.
Lam Lim
"Mei oversaw the whole project from arranging viewings for prospective properties to completion. She demonstrated professionalism throughout the process. Mei provided timely responses - a quality that becomes essential when we are thousands of miles and several hours apart. Overall I was impressed with Mei's professional service and I have no hesitation to recommend her to those who are keen to pursue property related activities in the UK."
E Tam
透過朋友認識Mei,他協助我在lock down期間找到屋,過程很多阻滯,幸好Mei從旁指點,一直幫手follow up.
Louise C
We had a great experience working with Mei in our home search. Mei is knowledgeable, helpful and made our home search process easy and smooth. She gave us expert advice before we kicked off our home search. Luckily, we could successfully rent a flat within a week when most of the properties were snapped up within a few days of going on market. She also helped us in kid's school admission so that we got an offer within a few days. Mei always took or returned calls and answered every question that we had. She is quick to respond, always happy to help and has great networking. We are so thankful for her hard work and will definitely refer family and friends to Mei.
Ms Lam
能夠找到安居之所,全靠Mei 的全力協助下才能完成,由地區選擇到生活上的各種細節問題,她都有深入的了解及分析,感恩能有幸找到真的好幫手!
Edward Li
Mei worked hard to find rental property for us. She helped us sign contract with the landlord smoothly and solved the problems promptly. We can successfully rent an apartment before going to UK.
Karius C
多謝Mei一直以黎既幫助,無論係租屋,定係各種關於英國既問題都一一解答及幫助,又會幫手睇下間屋既四圍環境,又會問埋當地agent條街既情況。 當我等緊業主回覆租唔租屋比我地既時候,Mei仲擔當埋心理輔助員,不停安慰我無消息即係好消息😅 又另外發現Mei私底下其實做左好多野,例如係同Agent溝通左好多野,但Mei從不向我強調自己做左好多野,只會默默跟進,有進展就會主動同我交代。👍🏻 成功租屋後亦會跟進租約事宜,甚至幫我睇埋租約每一頁,簡直係幫我一大忙,反而係隨住成功簽約後,同Mei少左聯絡,自己好唔捨得呢個咁nice既網友。(未見過面,所以係網友啦😛) 直至現在已經順利移居英國,踏入間屋既第一感覺係十分之滿意,好感激有Mei一直以黎既幫忙,先可以令我一家人有一個舒服既居所🏠 剛到埗既我,對所有野都好陌生,好多生活上既野都唔識,於是諗起Mei,我又問佢甚麼的點去處理,Mei仍然好樂意好詳細去答我,有種出路遇貴人既感覺😍 之所以寫呢個評語,希望更多香港人安心搵Mei幫手,亦希望Mei能夠保持呢份無私既心,幫助香港人搵到理想的家及解決租屋最大難題🏠🏘🏢
Cube Li
Mei has represented us to deal with the real estate agents and we felt oriented and informed enough to make a rent decision from out of UK. We loved how she quickly responded to all of our questions as well as her knowledge of the whole process from start to finish. Mei is a true professional. She is dedicate, thorough, and honest, she helped explain clearly all details which we are not familiar. She has worked in all negotiations to get what she believes is the best deal for us. We especially appreciated that she was successful in negotiating a later contract date and the favouable payment terms which saved us lots! We would not hesitate to recommend her.
Yeung's Family
Just received keys for my new home. This is the second time I got property transaction support from Mei. Her professionalism and dedication have never failed me. I was blessed with her countless guidance.
E Tam
Thanks for the professional service! I would like to express the thankfulness towards our agent Mei. She is very helpful, reponsive and responsible.
Tammy Ho
Dear Mei, Katie and Vicky, Very appreciate and grateful to your efficiency to make me and my family have good journey in the first time live in UK. Need to give Ms. Mei the highest praise,(+5*)your passion for your work and people, you are a excellent person who will always surprise me. Thank;) Florence Ng
Florence Ng
I would like to express the thankfulness towards Hakka properties especially our agent Mei in terms of how professional, reponsive and responsible she is during our house renting journey! I would strongly recommend Hakka properties to my friends!
Marc Chow
Mei is an absolute pleasure to work with. Very friendly and professional. Communication is straight forward constant prompt and clear. Hopefully we will keep in contact and get relocate and home more of your clients from overseas. On this occasion it was a couple moving with a pet from Hong Kong which is a bit challenging to locate a property for as most owners are not keen on pets and no credit history in the UK but working together with Mei we made it happen!
Hakka Properties have been a great help in my London property buying. They guided me through the entire process and assisted in every aspect from flat hunting to completion. Overall I was impressed with the hassle-free experience and service they offered. A big thank you.